Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Roston

We are back! Back in London. And it is freaking COLD!

Our wedding was wonderful! It was so great seeing friends and family. It was even better seeing them all intermingle in Hawaii together. Such a special trip. <3

After having 3 weeks off work in the warm sunshine, it’s been quite an adjustment being back here. Like I said before, it’s freezing. Also, we are kind of trying to just get by. It’s tough on one income in this very expensive city. Eryn is working hard at getting a job. He has had some great interviews with promises of hiring him in the New Year, if budgets allow. So, fingers crossed!

Every weekend we take a nice long walk at our neighborhood park, Hampstead Heath. This park is so amazing. There are tons of parks around London, but this one is HUGE and WILD. It has beautiful views of the city. When we got back, the trees had all changed to bright yellow, orange and red. So neat to see! So usually we walk in the park, then go to this cafe on the other side of the park called Kalendar. They have a “Mocha Royale” which is a mocha with homemade marshmallows. Yuuuuum.

Last Saturday I dragged Eryn to Ikea. He loves Ikea, really. I’m trying to make our flat feel more “homey” and I have to do it creatively because we don’t have a lot of cash right now. It’s a strange feeling going from having EVERYTHING to starting over with basically just your clothes (and boardgames). Anyway, we picked up a small desk for me (£9.99 - cheap!) and a few other random things, a casserole dish (for Thanksgiving), a laundry basket, a small table to put books on (£4.99 - super cheap!) and some cool fabric to make some cushion covers. It’s different not having a car and lugging stuff home on a Shuttle and two tube trains. That’s fun.

What else....

Eryn has been going to London On Board every week. He loves it! He was happy because he won the game he played the other night. Check him out in action...

We went to a 90 minute yoga class last week. That was awesome and I want to do it every week. After yoga we went to this random Russian restaurant on the Primose Hill High Street. We had some really delicious latkes.

I went to a crafting class in Hampstead last Tuesday night. We made stationary from Indian carved wood stamps.

Eryn makes me tea and breakfast (mostly) every morning.

I had a funny moment in Pret today. I ordered a mozzarella and tomato croissant and the guy asked me, “Is it toe-may-toe or to-MA-toe?”. I say “toe-may-toe”. Then the other guy behind the counter asks, “Ah-luminum or Eh-luminum”. Me, “Ah-luminum.” This went on for a couple more words with smiles and giggles. Guess who has a funny accent? Those guys.

This weekend we are going to hit up some art galleries. Eryn is currently doing a digital painting so he wants to go get inspired. I would like to go to “Dior Illustrated”, an exhibit on Italian illustrator RenĂ© Gruau.

The big news over here right now is Prince William’s engagement. It’s in every newspaper and everywhere online. I’m sure it’s on television too, but we don’t have a one of those yet. :( They are planning to get married in the Spring or Summer which means we get to be those crazy witnesses lined up on the streets for their big day!

That’s about it for now. I’m going to start a series of blog posts called “My London Today”. I’ll try to post a photo everyday or most days. It makes me look at the city with fresh eyes. So everyday on my lunch break, I go seek out something interesting.

We’ll also post up pics of our flat soon-ish.


  1. Well CONGRATS again on the wedding!!

    I love hearing about your life in London. Keep up the blogging girl!...and boy ;)

  2. ohhhh, go to Dior Illustrated & tell me all about it! :)

  3. Nice work Trisha, love the updates.

    (PS: Eryn looks hot dominating those Brits at Fury of Dracula.)
